“These resources are amazing. Helps make it so clear for the children, staff and parents. The story is lovely an the children have been talking about how we can keep ourselves safe from the sun. The tools to support staff to ensure parents put on sun cream without complaint has been a big boost.”

“The resources are great. We have read the book and linked it to our monthly theme for July of ‘Water, sand and the seaside’. Children have enjoyed receiving the activity sheets and these will be revisited on an ongoing basis. Parents have responded positively to enhanced awareness of the importance of sun protections for their children - which is already a high priority in my setting. The process of accreditation has been simple, effective and the resources can be used frequently moving forward.”

“We found the support from the website extremely useful indeed and were reassured by the fact that we are already taking many of the necessary actions outlined. We particularly like the idea of having a UV monitor each day and will be looking into implementing this over the coming weeks.
We are thoroughly enjoying these resources so thank you so much. The slip slop slap song and the story about George the Sun Safe Superstar have been particularly popular, and we have printed out lots of the activity sheets for the children to enjoy. I know that parents will find all these resources useful too. Thank you!

“The children love the ‘Slip, Slop, Slap’ song! We also made a display board with some sun safe information which the children enjoy looking at! Parents have found the programme very positive and informative. We love the free resources. Our setting has benefitted by ensuring staff are informed on the importance of being sun safe and that we assess our environments to keep children safe when playing in the sun and when UV is high. It has also prompted us to make sure our polices are up to date and relevant. The resources were very easy to use and informal for staff and parents.”

“The policy has been a good investment to make parents aware of sun damage and the 'hidden effects' that this can have to their child's skin and scalp. We have used a lot of the free resources and the children seemed to really enjoy the 'Sun Safe Superstar' book and activity resources. The accreditation has helped support me and my staff through raising sun safety awareness to our parents/guardians and also, in educating the children. My setting has benefited from doing the sun safe nurseries accreditation by providing all with more knowledge around sun safety. Thank you.”

“Fantastic help advice and guidance with wonderful resources - I found this accreditation to be really helpful and learnt a few bits I didn't already know. I will pass this on to other childminders I know whom will be greatful, thank you xx”

“The policy was really well planned out under the new headings thank you. We have been using the book since our return on the 1st June with our toddler room and pre-school aged children, this has been a great success with George the Sun Safe Superstar! It has prepared children in advance for us to be able to get our nursery accredited with the sun safety award. I used to previously work for a large chain and all settings were accredited so Sun Safety is a keen passion having my background in pharmacy before entering early years. Our families have found it really important to have the supportive information and the new format of the website is brilliant! Thank you!”

“This was a very useful resource and gave us good knowledge and clear guidance on how to keep safe in the sun. The letter for parents was very clear. The resources are a very good tool to use with the children at our nursery especially the older children who really enjoy being the sun safe monitor and discussing with their friends about the sunshine and how we should protect ourselves. The book is very clear for children to understand and the parent booklet gives parents a clear understanding of how to keep themselves and their children safe in the sun.”

“Easy to follow and clear guidance with helpful information for parents. Lovely resources to support children's learning and development that are age appropriate, fun and interactive!”

“The resources and story book have been used with the children and parents have responded well to the sun safe policy because we have always encouraged safety in the sun and have communicated with them how we keep them safe at nursery and what they can do to support us. The process has been very simple and straightforward to follow and we look forward to reinforcing this on a regular basis. Parents feel confident that we take this matter seriously and support us.”

“I was so happy to see that our nursery completed every area for the sun safety policy. We are looking forward to keeping these implementations and enjoying the sun safely. This is a lovely way to get all parents/carers involved and a good way to promote sun safety. We really support sun safety and are really grateful for the accreditation you provided. The parent letters are a lovely way of communicating with parents and receiving feedback. All the resources you have available have been a lovely addition and we can’t wait to use your free resources and buy items to help with sun safety. We cant wait to get our children more involved through books & music. Thank you!”

“We found the accreditation extremely helpful to enable us to ensure our children are as safe as they can be. We have emailed out our policy and displayed it on our parents board. The resources are very helpful and have really made us look at sun safety in more depth. The children Have already been talking about being the UV monitor and this will be displayed in our pre school room. The parents are very pleased to see we are going the extra mile to ensure safety in the sun. The resources are very very good and have provided us with a lot of good opportunities for learning. We pride ourselves on care for our children so we feel this accreditation has helped us ensure this is continuing through the summer.”

“This has all been so straight forward, as a busy Nursery Manager this makes such a difference, thank you. Staff and parents have found this very informative.The children have learnt the song and really love it. They are all enjoying becoming sun safe superstars. The story has gone down really well and parents have asked for copies to have at home. We've had really positive feedback from the parents re the policy. The parents have been telling friends and family about us being part of this programme. Thank you for all the resources it has made raising awareness about the importance of sun safety really easy.”

“The resources are fantastic- thank you! The resources were extremely helpful in identifying areas where we had missed things in our own practices and procedures. We really like the letter for parents- explaining about the importance of sun safety. The UV Posters ave been a big hit and the song- the children have loved learning this. We have sent parents out additional resources with our newsletters. Parents have enjoyed that the children are more aware. Staff have found the teaching resources age and stage appropriate. The children have found them very engaging and parents have been impressed too!”

“This is so helpful. It was so simple to complete and covers everything I needed. Format is great and parents will find it quick and easy to understand and comments so far are very positive. The accreditation is amazing. Parents have been very positive towards this and taken time to express their views on the policy. Thank you.”

“This is a fantastic service and I think it should be compulsory for all early years settings. Thanks for all the resources available. We will continue to use this service every year!”

“Thank you, the Sun safe material has made the whole experience exciting for the children. They enjoy singing the song and listening to the book. Parents/carers have taken it more seriously this year and the setting has 100% of children with their own sun cream and hats from home. It has been extremely easy to implement and get everyone on board”

“The accreditation scheme was very informative and very easy to follow. We did the three steps one by one and have now achieved our goal. We sing the song every day when it is sunny before we go outside. We read the story about George regularly. The children think the song is funny but has a clear message and the children have told their parents that they must never go out in the sun without their hat and sunscreen on!”

“Sun Safe Nurseries is an excellent idea to promote the good practice protocol to all who know us. It helps to keep all adults aware of the importance of being sun aware and maintains the safeguarding and well-being of children and staff attending and working within our setting”

“This has been such a great process that has got staff really thinking again which has been refreshing. All children and staff have got so much enjoyment from slip slop slap song and very much enjoyed the story. As already stated it is short, sweet, rhymes, gets point across in a very child friendly way and grabbed their attention straight away! Thank you”

“The whole process has really made us evaluate how we engage children, parents and staff on how to be prepared for the sun and hot weather. The idea of having the various steps to complete make it really easily achievable and makes you really think about what you already do and how it can be improved. This will now be embedded into our routine every year”

“This has been a really fun and interesting scheme helping us to get a very important message across to both parents and children. We have added a column in our signing-in book where parents are asked to indicate whether their child already has sun cream applied when they drop them off at the setting. In only a few weeks we have gone from only a few children having sun cream on to having everyone! An excellent scheme”

“This has been an excellent scheme and has provided a more robust Sun Safety policy for our Pre-school. The children have enjoyed learning the Slip, slop, slap song and can often be heard singing it as they play. This helps to reinforce the importance of protecting their skin in a way that is easily understood by them”

“The overall process of gaining our Sun Safe Nursery Acceditation has been simple without any hassle. Our parents have been on board with us and in particular the children have responded with interest and enthusiasm. They really enjoy playing outside and are completely pro-active in applying sun cream before they do. The practitioners are also pro-active and wear hats supplied by the setting. We feel proud to be able to call ourselves a Sun Safe Setting”

“It was a fairly simple procedure to gain this status and one that we shall put into our Ofsted paperwork to let them know what we have achieved in helping to keep our children safe and protected.”

“We have really enjoyed the process and found your resources / info and support invaluable in enhancing our practice. The children are growing up to be better aware of how to look after themselves in the sun. A big thank you from Little Newts!”

“A great scheme. Children and parents responded really positively to the song, story and information/policies. Easy to follow and would definitely recommend. Very proud to share our nursery status as Sun Safe!”

“This is an excellent program that I feel the local authorities should embrace to ensure all their settings are taking positive action to ensure they are spreading the important information about being safe in the sun. Thank you again for the support and information”

“We will make an occasion of this award - thank you. This is definitely an award that was worth doing for the children, parents and staff of the setting. The children have enjoyed all the activities because they are done in a fun way, the staff have enjoyed the experience as well and the parents have supported us all the way. The relevant paperwork is placed in the folder to be given to all new parents and this is definitely a message that will be used regularly - thank you.”

“I think this is a wonderful idea, and couldn't wait to become a Sun Safe Nursery. It is great to hear the children talking to each other when applying the sun cream about the benefits it provides for example, no burning, soft healthy skin. They really enjoy selecting their cream from the box, that independence of helping to apply and rub it, being careful not to miss any patches. Also older children trying to explain to younger children. Really glad to be part of this”

“I feel this has been very rewarding to achieve. Sun safety is very important to all of us but especially to children who attend nursery. We are teaching them to care for themselves and gaining our sun safety status has helped them to understand the importance of applying sun cream, wearing a sun hat and putting on a t-shirt. I would love to see more awards like this to support children's learning a great idea Thank you”

“We found this process very coherent and easy to follow. Answering the questions made us realise that we have a good sun safety procedure in place as all practitioner's understand the children's well being is paramount. However this has given us new and exciting tools and resources to use in order to enhance and extend this. It has also promoted good partnerships with parents. We have enjoyed this process and are extremely pleased to have gained Sun Safe Nursery Status”

“The children now tell us the words of the story before we have said them and the slip slop slap song is now part of our getting ready to go in the sun routine. Well presented and easy to follow steps - keep up the good work and thank you for the activities and resources”

“All staff found the Sun Safe Nursery accreditation process an interesting and informative way of learning about the risks and also embraced the opportunity of sharing this with parents and families. The children found the book colourful, informative and fun and loved learning the song which they now sing freely around the playgroup and at home with their parents. The Sun Safe Nursery accreditation is a well designed programme for all childcare settings and is easily accessible and simple but practical to use”

“Although we have always been sun safe aware this scheme has really helped us to put the message across to our parents and they all delighted that we have taken part in this scheme. It has given us the incentive to buy some more suitable hats rather than just peaked caps as we had before. Gaining the status is straight forward and I hope more nurseries will take the opportunity to complete it”

“What a lovely idea this is! It really does get you to reflect on not only what you do, but that the children understand WHY we do it - and it works! We've had this policy for a number of years now and it's great when you hear the children repeating the key messages to each other. Excellent site, great information, simple and quick to complete. THANK YOU!”